Job Interview: Self-Preparation and Strategies For Newbies

After graduation, teenagers were in a hurry to look for a job. In finding a job, an applicant must know the job position they are applying for. Most of the job-seekers tend to apply for a certain job position that doesn't fit their qualification. However, there were some applicants who lack strategies and self-preparation during an interview.

As much as a person wanted to earn money, job-haunting is a possible idea. Most of the job-seekers were very eager to apply for a certain job position that earns higher than the minimum rate. However, most of them also don't have the idea of the job position they were applying for. Besides, they lack self-preparation and strategies on how to deal with it.

According to Live Career, if you are applying for a particular position, you must think about yourself in relation to the job. As an applicant, it is your duty to read thoroughly on the job description that a company needs. Have a self-preparation by knowing the skills that you possess as well as thinking deeply if the skills you have matches on the job position you are applying for.

Practicing out loud is more effective for self-preparation during an interview rather than writing it. During an interview, most of the applicant got nervous, which cause 'mental block'. As it was stated in Forbes, practicing what you intend to say out loud is the only way to ensure that you can engagingly, concisely and fluidly talk about yourself, your skills and your motivation during an interview.

Appearing well-groomed and dress more conservatively is more attractive than dressing up normally. According to a hiring personnel, Emily Hamvay she said that the mode of interview attire is just like a "Sunday church gear". Heavy make-ups, open-toed shoes, revealing clothing skirts and clothes, piercing tattoos and clingy tops were some of the don'ts mentioned by career counselors. Have a self-preparation during an interview.

Job interview tips