Here Are The Ways On How To Avoid Bad Career Advice

With the high commodities in the market, and the intimidation of the society towards one's status in life, and the pressure of the fast-paced development in all aspects of living, who does not want to look for a high-paying job, or apply for a promotion, or improve his career in life? Advices are indeed helpful in the decision-making process towards the development of a person's career.

But, how can you filter the good career advices from the bad ones? Forbes has suggested some points to see whether the opinion given by a peer is a bad career advice or not.

Is the advice relative to the priorities you have set?

There are things that may be good to other people which are totally not good for you. Others might suggest that Nutella is perfect for your bread when you know in fact that the combination of peanut butter and jelly will always be the best. There may be instance when your friend advices you that you should buy a car when in fact, you already have one.

When taking advices from other people, you should consider your individual situations in life. You always have to see to it if the advices that you take from other people answers to your priorities and needs for the development of your career. You have to think to whether or not the person giving you an advice has the same experience with you (or at least has some idea to how you live your life) or not.

Is the person reliable and fit for giving a career advice?

There are several instances where people tend to talk too much regardless of considering whether their opinion is connected to the topic at hand or not. Even in the news and the internet, other people might already give their individual opinions by just looking at the title of a write-up and without even scanning through its contents.

The same goes with asking for a career advice. When you ask a person if the job you are planning to apply for is good or not, he may already speak of his opinions even without giving him the other details of your planned employment such as the nature of your work, the salary, the level of work required, etc.

It is not that they intentionally want you to have the best, but instead, they are just simply unaware of the matter you are referring them to. In asking for career advices, you always, always have to see to it that the person you are asking is experienced and knowledgeable enough to share with you his thought to whether or not the job you are planning to apply for really suits your qualifications, weaknesses and needs.

In an article by My Domaine, Nelson Wang said that a small number of behavioral changes could do big in launching your career. Therefore, in order to succeed, you must learn how to absorb all the good advices that you can and screw the bad career advices that might come your way. For more tips on how to improve your career, please check out Jobs & Hire.

Career, Career Advice, Employment