A Muslim political advocacy group has planned a "Million Muslim March" during the 9/11 12th-year anniversary - conservatives were outraged, believing that the event, which will be held on Washington, D.C., is purely out of insensitivity.
Led by M.D. Rabbi Alam, the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) is planning to carry out the march on the National Mall to express their sentiment against the discrimination the 9/11 terrorist attack has stereotyped on them, not to mention the prejudiced treatment Americans and the US government has been giving them since.
However, Alam's group has received little to very minimal support from other Muslim citizens residing the country, with the total number of people to attend the said ambitious march only at 57. Even the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the biggest Muslim group in the US, already released a statement that it will definitely not be joining the unreasonable movement.
Although AMPAC's goal is to simply enlighten people that al-Qaeda was never responsible for the notorious attack, conservatives retort that the planned movement is a backlash and an act of insensitivity against the over 3,000 people who had passed away in the incident.
Nonetheless, the Muslim group does not lose hope in evoking powerful imagery to the nation by reminding them of the Million Man March for civil rights of thousands of blacks in 1995 and in 1963.
Because of the harsh response the group has been receiving, it decided to change the name of the movement into 'Million American March Against Fear,' adding that the march's main purpose is to restore "peace, harmony, and justice" between the two races.
Alam said in a Fox News interview that the 9/11 terrorist attack is considered the most horrific event in the history of New York as it victimized and killed thousands of innocent people, traumatizing both Muslim and Non-Muslim races. "But we as Muslims continue 12 years later to be victimized by being made the villains. To this day every media outlet and anti-Islamic organization has committed slanderous and libel statements against us as Muslims and our religion of Islam. Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries," he added.
On the contrary, head of the Islamic Forum for Democracy Dr. Zuhdi Jasser opined, "They're basically a bunch of "truthers" who think that America's to blame for everything... These guys are problematic and they're trying to exploit 9/11."