According to the authorities, the event happened shortly after the plane took off from the airport on Monday evening. The website, reported in an article that the AirTran Flight 265 landed safely in Memphis at around 6:30 in the afternoon. All passengers were then asked to leave the plane to be interviewed by the authorities. While the passengers were being interviewed, the AirTran crew checked the emergency exit doors and made sure that they were secured.
The official report for the flight diversion reflected that the male passenger, whose identity is unknown, tried to open the emergency doors after the seat belt sign went off. The crew managed to calm him down but the flight has to be diverted. The incident happened when the plane was flying over Little Rock, Ark. The flight was diverted to Memphis because this where the closest AirTran airport is.
John Geraud, Vice President of Operations at the Memphis International Airport, told the press that the man did not seem to be misbehaving or drunk when they arrested him.
The man is now at police custody and was detained for inspection by the TSA and the FBI. No one has filed any charges yet.
Another version of the story, which was reported by carried a statement by another passenger saying that the man in question was acting "strange and suicidal". Another passenger claimed that the man was held down by military member who were flying with them.
The plane resumed its journey towards Austin after 8:30pm.
Safety in flights has been stricter than ever after 9-11. To stay safe, here is a video on safety tips while flying: