Celebrity powerhouse couple Guiliana and Bill Rancic reveals their secrets to a happy and successful marriage.
Guiliana and Bill Rancic tied the knot in 2007. When most people predicted that the marriage, like many celebrity marriage, will be short-lived, theirs continued on to become a model union for everyone. In an interview on Good Morning America, Guilina and Bill generously gave the audience their own recipe for a happy and sharing relationship.
"It's been a miracle, if you look at where we've come from. We've had some of the darkest days of our lives," Bill stated. "And some of the greatest days of our lives."
The couple has weathered a lot of storms together. Guiliana was diagnosed with breast cancer and she had to undergo a double mastectomy, just like Angelina Jolie did months ago. Aside from that, they had to battle some infertility issues.
In 2012, the efforts of the couple to stay strong and committed were finally rewarded upon the birth of their son whom they named Duke. Through the years, the couple has been piling milestone after milestone, and they are excited for more.
Being a celebrity couple, they have to adjust to the lifestyle where their every move is being documented and scrunitized. So how do they live with all the cameras following them?
"I think the difference between us and a lot of these other couples is, from the beginning our foundation was very strong," Giuliana answered. "And as the seasons pass, it's actually easier. Like, we get it. We get that there's cameras around."
With their lives going as smoothly as they have planned, are they planning to have a baby sister or brother for Duke soon?
"Before we decide on baby No. 2, we just want to decide if we can do it," said Guiliana.