Kanye West Welcome Home Party to be Hosted by Wife Kim Kardashian? Event to Focus on Rapper's 'Well-Being'

Last Monday, the UCLA medical Centre admitted celebrity Kanye West for treatment of exhaustion and mental health issues. Rumor has it, that Kim Kardashian the reality celebrity-wife to Kanye is planning on hosting a welcome home party after he is released from the hospital.

The rumors were spread by Hollywood life, saying a "source" told them that Kim has been thinking on hosting a party for her husband. She wishes to let him know and see how much everyone around him loves and cares for him but she is worrying that a party would over excite him.

Gossip Cop had an audience with Kim's representative for verification of the claim. The rep verified that Kim is not planning on hosting any party and reminded everyone that her main focus is Kanye's well-being and not some party.

Representative of Kardashian confirmed that Hollywood life has been writing stories without fact-checking with people from the celebrity camp. The Gossip cop additionally made another verification concerning Taylor sharing her reaction on Kanye's hospitalization. The Hollywood life had made a claim that Taylor Swift was devastated on Kanye's illness without truth in it.

US Newz reported that the information from the Gossip cop said that despite the fact that Taylor still remembers what Kanye said to her in the past but with his current problems she is devastated and feels bad for him. The Gossip cop verified the allegations and the people in Taylor's camp have proven not to have spoken to anyone in the Hollywood life and it is therefore one of the fabricated lies by the site.

Having fabricated two stories, Hollywood Life is not trusted for reliable news and this is why the information about the party had to be verified. And there will not be any "welcome home party" according to the verified news by the gossip cop after facts-checking with Kim's representative.

Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, Celebrity