Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens Breakup Explained: ‘High School Musical 4' Actress Shares The Reason Behind Split

The breakup of Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens was really bad. It was only recently that Vanessa Hudgens explained the reasons for their split.

GameNGuide reports that "High School Musical" was the platform from which Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron launched their successful acting careers. They became very popular for their respective roles of Troy Bolton and Gabrellia Montez in the series "High School Musical."

They played their roles so realistically that many thought they can be a couple together, which was what they became, eventually. Fans were really elated when the two became sweethearts.

When news of breakup came out, fans were really disappointed because Efron and Hudgens were very close to their hearts. Many thought that they will never part ways and when they did, the fans could not believe what happened.

In a report by Capital FM, Vanessa Hudgens said that it was the resulting popularity of Zac Efron that eventually broke them apart. He was so popular that girls adored him and were continuously chasing after him. It came to point when Vanessa Hudgens would get jealous from the attention Zac Efron was getting from the fans.

Vanessa Hudgens could no longer control her jealousy and it was if she was changed to another person devoid of understanding. She became mean and unable to control herself when confronting the girls that were giving too much attention to Zac Efron. This slowly led to an unhappy relationship that led to their eventual breakup.

After the split, Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron have moved on to their own respective relationships with other persons and the hope of their getting back together is dim. But with the staging of "High School Musical 4," fans are keeping their fingers crossed of the remote possibility that the two will soon get back together. In the entertainment world, one can never be sure what happens with romantic relationships.

High School Musical 4, Vanessa Hudgens, Zac efron