'Making A Murderer' Theories, Predictions, Latest News & Update:Steven Avery And Brendan Dassey, Not Guilty?

The American documentary television series that premiered on Netflix, "Making A Murderer" earned millions of international viewers due to controversial revelation case. Fans and viewers wanted to know if the subject, Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey would be free from jail as it was speculated that the suspects would be proven "not guilty".

Steven Avery was sentenced to life imprisonment after being suspected that he killed the 25-year-old photographer, Terea Halbach. On the other hand, it was also suspected that his nephew, Brendan Dassey was an accessory to the crime. The two main characters in "Making a Murderer" were convicted of first degree intentional homicide as it was shown that the crime scene took place on Avery Family's salvage yard.

According to I Tech Post, former lawyer of Avery was excited on his acquittal. Certain reports stated that there's a new method to detect chemical preservatives in "Making a Murderer" episodes. Besides, Jerry Buting said that the thing to detect such chemical was like radiocarbon dating and DNA ageing.

The newest method be used by the investigation team in "Making a Murderer" was being explained by Dean Stang. He said that the latest method could prove that the blood found in Halbach's car might be pre-dated. If these new method could prove that the blood stained in the victim's car was pre-dates, then there's a big chance that they would be proven innocent.

It was shown on the 10th part of Netflix series "Making a Murderer" that the court's documents stated that Dassey's IQ was "assessed as being in the low average to borderline range." As we all know, when Dassey was convicted in 2005 he was just a minor. His confession was voluntary and not the product of "constitutionally impermissible tactics."

Though former lawyer of Avery was excited on his acquittal, still it was not yet confirmed if the suspects would be proven not guilty. Stay tuned for more updates!