‘Justice League’ News, Update & Spoilers: DC Confirms Green Lantern To Appear On Justice League 2017 Movie! Question Is: Which Lantern?

A Green Lantern will make an appearance in the upcoming DC feature film Justice League. This much has been confirmed by DC. However it's not yet known whether Hal Jordan, Jon Stewart, Gardner, Rayner, or someone entirely new to the Corps would wear the green ring for the 2017 film.

According to a report from The Wrap, the Green Lantern will make an appearance during a "key sequence" in "Justice League." As the majority of Green Lantern fans know, there are thousands of Green Lanterns scattered throughout the known universe. So which Green Lantern would show up in the movie "Justice League?" The logical answer would be Hal Jordan's Green Lantern.

Hal Jordan is a founding member of the "Justice League." To be left off a movie based on the group Hal Jordan helped create is a cardinal sin to most DC comic fanatics. However, a 2011 Hal Jordan-based "The Green Lantern" movie received mixed reviews from fans and critics alike. Ryan Reynolds starred in that Green Lantern film and the movie left fans mostly unhappy about the way the movie was done.

No wonder DC is taking its time to launch a sequel to"The Green Lantern."Although "Green Lantern 2" is already slated to be released in 2020, the casts and its plot remain largely unknown. While casting the lead character is paramount to a movie's success, a cameo appearance in the upcoming "Justice League" film may reveal the identity of the Lantern to appear in both "Justice League" and "The Green Lantern 2."

A report from GameNGuide shares that the actor, Andre Gordon, have posted a photo of Jon Stewart's Green Lantern. According to the report, the said photo is captioned: "The pieces are coming together and it feels good!" This led fans to speculate that Jon Stewart would either appear in the aforementioned "Justice League" in a cameo role or take on the massive lead role in "The Green Lantern 2."

For most Green Lantern fans, however, it would not matter whether Hal Jordan, Jon Stewart, Gardner, Rayner, or a new Green Lantern would pop up in the "Justice League" movie. As long as a Green Lantern appears in the movie, the film would be worth their while.

Because just like a martini without olive, a scotch without ice, and a beer without pizza, a "Justice League" movie without a Green Lantern is a just plain travesty. Luckily, DC had the insight to include the Green Lantern, albeit in a cameo appearance, in the 2017 "Justice League" film. That would be enough to quench the thirst of Green Lantern fans until a feature film is released sometime in 2020. Or at least, erase the sour taste of the 2011 Ryan Reynolds starrer that's left in the audiences' mouth.

Ryan reynolds
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