Netfilx Offers 'Orange Is the New Black,' 'The Crown,' 'Narcos' and Other Series for Download; Available Offline

Movies can now be watched even without cellular data or internet connection; that's the newest update from Netflix. Just download the movies beforehand, and while on the road trip the movies can be watched even when in offline mode. It will prevent the increase of monthly data as well as saving the power of the battery.

According to The New York Times, all you need to do is update the Netflix's latest version from iOS or Android. The download arrow icon will appear beside the play button. Internet connection is needed to download the content that you want to watch later on via offline. Though, "available for download" icon is one of the easiest way to look for what series or movies that you want to add in your list; just tap the menu and the section will appear.

Standard or high quality are the two options when downloading in which; standard has low video resolution, and it does not require a long range of time. It only takes a few minutes to download the video. On the other hand, high quality means high resolution with a lot of space from storage, and it takes more time to download. The shows like "Orange Is the New Black," "The Crown" or "Narcos" can be download and watch via offline mode.

There are still restrictions on what movies or series that are allowed to download. Netflix only says that there are more on the way. Though, localizing the movies and series altogether is a huge step to take for Netflix, as previously reported by Jobs & Hire.

But many subscriber wait for this, and now Netflix made it happen. Other company also have the same kind of feature such as Amazon and Vudu, but these are not the competitor; Hulu is one of its major competitor of Netflix. As of now it does not allow to download and watch the shows via offline. Ben Smith, which is the company's user experience chief of Hulu talks about the possibility of acquiring the same feature. As he says on the interview last Tuesday that they are already working on it, as per Macworld.

Netflix, Orange Is the New Black