‘NBA 2K17’ News & Update: Tips To Keep From Getting Banned And How To Get A Ban Lifted

"NBA 2K17" hit the stores worldwide on Sept. 20, 2016 and has since gained rave reviews for its visuals and gameplay. But along with its popularity came the growth of dishonest schemes aiming to poke loopholes in the system to get ahead in the game.

Many legitimate tips and tricks had been released since then, such as an article from Jobs & Hire on the pros and cons of the game. However, it was still no surprise that Visual Concepts, the developer behind the hugely popular game, has created a system to safeguard the integrity of "NBA 2K17."

Forbes reports that a player can be banned either temporarily or permanently, depending on the gravity of offense. Temporary bans last for about a week, while permanent bans, as the name suggests, will boot a player out of the game for good. Permanent bans can still be rescinded; a gamer who believes the ban was imposed unjustly can contact the game's customer support hotline.

Thus begs the question: how does a user get banned from playing "NBA 2K17"? Sai Mohan from IBTimes gives full details on the game's infractions.

First, gamers must not purchase "Virtual Currency" or VC from third-party websites that are offering them for a cheaper price that "NBA 2K17" does. This action will ban a "MyPlayer" from participating in online modes.

Doing this will also force the user to create a new "MyPlayer," thus making all previous accomplishments as obsolete. "There are also many who are selling My Team points (MTP) or VC to fellow 2K users via pre-funded wallets," Mohan reports, and this is certainly not allowed.

There are also other users who would go on a cycle of creating and deleting "MyPlayer" to collect an unlimited amount of VC. "2K Sports" does not condone this and this practice will most likely result in a permanent ban. Also, VC sellers should avoid posting ads on social media like Facebook and Twitter, as this promotion is considered a copyright violation.

Finally - and rather obviously - using bots and hackers is not advised, even if it results in unlimited VC or MTP. "2K Sports" has made consistent efforts to eliminate this practice over its last two patch releases.
