The hit RPG game, "League of Legends," is one of the targets of huge scams nowadays. And just recently, the latest scam "Christmas RP Giveaway" scam for LoL can be found through where the users are required to post links from several sites so that those who would click the link will be able to acquire points in exchange of a gift card worth $10 up to $50.
As emphasized on the official forum of "League of Legends," is a scam. It is not official Riot site of LoL so users are not advised to visit the said website for their own protection purposes. Despite the cautions from the moderators of the game, the said scam has still duped several LoL players. Most of the time, this scam is triggered by simply clicking on a website being shared by a friend on social media and on forums, as well.
According to a report by Inquisitr, there are some key points to be able to determine whether or not a site featuring a riot event is officially managed by "League of Legends." If the website that you are clicking looks like Riot but it is not officially managed by Riot, then the website is an object of scamming of phishing.
If the site also asks the users for the sharing of links, then that is actually a fake Riot website. It can also be determined if the site is a scam when after series of sharing links to other sites, the scammed site asks you to complete a survey.
But, if a particular gamer has already entered a scam or fake site but later no realizes that the site is not legit, he must quickly exit from the said website and then run the computer's antivirus programs. However, in several instances where have logged in to a computer shop or any device other that his own, he must immediately change his account password, and his username, as well with those which he does not yet use in his "League of Legends" player account.
While scammers and phishers have discovered bigger means on how to hack a website or fool an innocent user, we must be personally responsible with everything that we enter and share into the internet for it might be the reason for our own downfall. Check out Jobs & Hire for the latest updates on gaming and more.