Cannabis: The Future Cure For Cancer?

Cancer is indeed one of the scariest diseases in the world. It has been one of the most challenging problems for pharmaceutical companies,to create or find a medicine that can ultimately cure cancer.

According to the Cancer Research UK, 32.5 million people were diagnosed with cancer while a massive 8.2 million deaths were recorded due to various types of cancer. The most common types of cancer in the world are lung cancer, breast cancer, bowel and prostate cancer. Most of the cancer cases occur in countries at a low or medium level of Human Development Index or HDI.

Unfortunately, no one has discovered the ultimate cure for cancer yet which, led people to create their own cure for cancer. One of those cures is by using cannabis. Cannabis is considered as an illegal drug in most countries, but due to the extreme demand and eagerness of people to find a cure for cancer, people try to seek treatment now straight from herbs and plants.

There were already a lot of proofs that were being documented to prove cannabis' effectivity on healing cancer. But are those proofs really true? If you search "cannabis medicine" on the net, you will probably get many claims how cannabis healed the patients. Without doctors' prescription, people decided to create a medicine out from cannabis, despite being aware of any consequence.

Leafly reveals that even oncologists, doctors who specialize in treating cancer, support and recommend cannabis for curing cancer. After all the studies that they conducted using cannabis, they were convinced enough on how effective cannabis is in healing different diseases.

Dr. Abrams, a renowned oncologist and cancer researcher, and also a cannabis advocate, has already seen first hand the power of cannabis in healing different types of diseases. It's also very effective in treating the side effects felt by cancer patients.