‘Halo 5 Forge’ Latest News and Update: Monitor’s Bounty Update Now Live! Features Custom Games Browser For PC

PCs are about to explode as "Halo 5 Forge" will be having its biggest update called 'Monitor's Bounty' that we have ever seen before. 343 Industries revealed the details regarding the first of their 2 part update that will soon arrive on December 8.

One of the latest additions to the game is the 'powerful and robust' scripting tools that let player make all different types of game types whether it would be simple or complex. You can also use a new scripting system that enables players to interact and modify up to 64 objects at the same time.

Another part of the new "Halo 5 Forge" is the inclusion of other new game types. One example is the amazing minigame, Battle Golf. Forge also features now a lot of new canvasses in the form of the Barren and Depths.

Now, 'Monitor's Bounty' update will include the most awaited Custom Games Browser for PC players. According to PC Gamer, the Custom Games Browser will let the lonely PC players join in the party by giving them access to Arena and Forge modes. Joining in multiplayer battles has always been the problem of PC players because they can only connect to others by only using Xbox Live Friends. Though the Custom Game Browser doesn't feature a matchmaking ability, PC players can now easily join games or create themselves.

Other reports say that an Observer mode will be added to the game with the release of the update. Players will now have an easier job in spectating, casting and sharing matches with others. Another feature of the new update seems Christmas-like as players will be given Gold REQ Packs that they can't open but can be shared or given to their friends.

With a huge amount of new things, especially the multiplayer feature for PC gamers, "Halo 5 Forge" will continue being one of the top first-person shooting game. To top it off, we will be having the second part of the update anytime soon, so we will have to wait because surely, things will keep getting better and better.
