Globalization is key and it now easier to achieve with the power of the internet. However, not every business knows how to utilize this tool in order to compete on a global scale. Therefore, here are some handy tips to prep your team to conquer the world.
It would be wise of business owners to make sure that their establishment it internet driven. A significant amount of effort and understanding is required in order to make a small business capable of expanding its reach globally. It is definitely not an easy task, however, being able to do so will increase clientele and exposure tremendously.
In the modern era, having a business that is internet-driven makes your company easy to find, and look more credible. According to Entrepreneur, 58 percent of small business were able to attract customers from other countries while 72 percent are working on improving this feat. A business cannot simply rely on physical location as that would limit customers to the area, having the internet properly utilized will expand horizons in a way you couldn't have imagined.
If you as a business owner is planning to break free from the physical restraints that limit your company's growth then the first step is to make sure you are culturally aware. In order to make it globally, it is a must that you understand and respect cultural differences. Proper pronunciation locations in other countries are also helpful, as you would seem like a knowledgeable and properly educated individual. Thus. it makes it easier to establish a connection and rapport despite the physical distance.
Moreover, business owners have to be prepared for remote transactions, meaning most of the communication regarding purchases or inquiries by potential customers will be don virtually. With that being said, your sales team need to be knowledgeable in navigating various communication tools like Skype, Zoom or whatnot. Interacting with a business person that is not adept with the basics of core communication tools is a big turn off.
Communicating over chat or video chat has its own set of rules, for instance, your representatives must show confidence as salespeople and know how to communicate appropriately. For example, comfortable using first names and building connections via small talk is key to making a virtual conversation seen face to face.
In addition, be sensitive when communicating with global clients, make sure to know the do's and dont's when interacting with a specific culture. In some countries, simply saying "k" or using "Hey" as a greeting can seem disrespectful and highly unprofesional.
Lastly, make sure your sales team is sensitive to the time difference. Having international deals means that you, as the seller, need to be the one who adjusts to match the schedule of the customer. In a physical interaction, the saying goes "The customer is always right," in international interactions, it goes more like "The customer's time zone is your zone."
Of course, this doesn't mean stretching your sales team to the max, as the company's lead, you have to take care of your team first. Ensure a proper working schedule and set proper expectations when it comes to the requirements of dealing with customers on a global scale. For more tips on expanding your business, stay tuned to Jobs & Hire.