A Faulkner county shooting happened inside the campus of Faulkner University on Aug. 27, Tuesday. A woman was shot and is now seriously injured, and her husband, the prime suspect, was arrested under murder charges, a report from MyFoxal stated, adding that the Faulkner shooting is the latest violent incident to have occurred in a school community recently.
Medical emergency respondents rushed the Faulkner county shooting victim to a local hospital because of the life-threatening injuries she got from the incident.
Witnesses said that the woman's husband arrived inside the campus located near Atlanta Highway early this afternoon, looking for his wife. He then shot her without hesitation when he found her.
Montgomery police officers quickly responded to the Faulkner shooting, and they were able to apprehend the man right away.
According to the attending physicians of the Faulkner county shooting victim, she is now stable from her earlier life-threatening condition.
Faulkner University students received a campus-wide text alert after gunshots were heard inside the campus, saying, "(Active Shooter on Campus) Emergency! Armed person on campus. Go to nearest room and lock door. If off campus, do not enter campus. Follow instructions from auth."
Nevertheless, campus officials found out later on that only a few students and faculty members were able to receive the message, and believed that the text alert had suffered from technical error.
The Faulkner shooting incident occurred specifically at a parking lot near the maintenance building, and sources said that no students were harmed or were put to danger during the incident.
Police claimed that the Faulkner county shooting was due to a domestic dispute between the woman and her husband, who was not named yet; however, the motive behind the shooting has not been identified as of late.
Meanwhile the Faulkner police department was lauded for its abrupt response to the Faulkner shooting incident.
The statement read, "A shooting occurred on our Montgomery campus today. The suspect has been apprehended and all offices and classes are operating on their normal schedules. In what appears to have been a domestic situation, a contract employee was injured in the shooting and has been taken to a local hospital for treatment. Her condition is not known at this time. The Montgomery Police Department is following up on the incident. At no time were any students involved in the incident. Faulkner University asks everyone to be in prayer for the victim and offers its sincere gratitude to campus security and law enforcement officers for their rapid response."