'Attack on Titan' Official Fan Site 'MinGeki' Opens for Fans

"Attack on Titan" fans have been given a treat by manga publishing company Kodansha last Wednesday, December 7, in the form of an official fan site for the hit anime and it is called "MinGeki."

"MinGeki" which is short for "Minna no Shingeki" or in English "Everyone's Attack" is the recently opened fan site of "Shingeki no Kyojin" or "Attack on Titan" as reported by Crunchy Roll. It is both promotional and interactive in the sense that it encourages fans to spread word about the show by joining certain projects and to also submit their own project ideas.

One of these endeavors involve fans submitting Titan photos or poses that usually and typically involve them appearing and acting as titans who are eating humans. They can also create their own avatars.

There is an entire section dedicated to spreading love about the manga in order to encourage other readers and viewers to read and watch it. The strategies include tweeting about it on Twitter (they kindly asked not to divulge any spoilers) and also to convince those who have stopped reading or watching the anime to continue doing so.

Another project allows fans to submit their nickname suggestions for the members of the 104th Cadet Corps. Some of the members listed are Ellen, Mikasa, Armin, and Sasha.

Aside from that, they also sell merchandise online. However, there are other plans that have yet to be enacted and these are the "Send the New Year's cards to Isayama-sensei" and the customized or personalized "Publicity Corps" business cards.

Do not worry if you think that there are only a few current projects. Others may soon pop up and they may even have come from fans; you can submit an idea of your own too if you are so inclined.

In other Attack on Titan related news, Hajime Isayama's renowned series is getting its second season this coming month of April of 2017. While waiting, explore MinGeki and contribute to the site!

Attack on Titan