Career Advice: 3 Things to Remember in Finding a Mentor

Fortune has published an article by Tuval Chomut that reveals that having a vision, being open to learning new things, and humility are the keys to finding a mentor and advancing a career.

Having a mentor or a friend in business means that someone is guiding you as you grow and advance into your career. He or she will be advising and assisting you on certain aspects that can improve your business and job; thus it is important to find a good mentor to accomplish that.

How? According to the CEO of Clicktale Tuval Chomut, there are three key things that you must remember in your search for the mentor. These are having a vision, being open to knowledge, and humility.

Firstly, one must have a vision of where they are heading; know what it is you want to do. It does not have to be specific but a general direction, such as knowing what your interests are, is a vital thing to start with.

This is because mentors do not want to waste time helping you feel your way around and end up with no progress. It is better that you come to your mentor with an idea and together you arrive at a particular goal and end.

Secondly, you must be willing to learn new things and be hungry for knowledge. No mentor wants a mentee who rejects suggestions and recommendations without giving them a try first.

This second note is important as it tells your mentor that you are capable of adapting and are open to change, that you will not get left behind in this fast moving world. Furthermore, even if you may have a tight schedule, you can let your mentor know that you are still willing to try different approaches and strategies that aim towards development no matter how difficult and challenging they may be.

Lastly, humility can propel you forward in your career. This is very much related to the second key as being humble means that you do not turn your nose up to suggestions and lessons being offered to you.

Tuval Chomut, for instance, does not appreciate mentees who act as if they have all the knowledge at their fingertips and are not willing to embrace what is new. This does not mean that you cannot be confident any longer, but rather it means that while you know certain things you must also acknowledge that there is always more to learn.

Success, Career, Career Advice