'Pokemon Go' Latest News And Updates: What’s Coming Next?! Gen 2, Pokemon Trading And More

"Pokemon Go's" hype fuel ran low after a few weeks of its release due to bugs, errors and problems causing servers to crash down. Not to mention that there are a lot of players and fans from different places all over the world that can't even play the game. One of the reasons why the game's hype train slowed down was because there was nothing exciting or new added to the game.

However, after all, the commotion and reports, Niantic promised that they're going to do something about it. As the year ends, Niantic was realizing reports and stories that there are going to be tons of big updates and exciting things coming on its way.

One of those "new and exciting" things is the Gen 2, this is also one of the most anticipated updates, and Niantic announced that they will be releasing Gen 2 before this year ends. (How awesome is that?!) This news was announced via twitter, after Pokemon's official twitter account twitted about "More Pokemons" coming to the game. Speculations say that this update may take a whole lot of space in the player's device, so better to free up some space in there!

There's also an update about the game's "speed limit" - if the player is moving more than thirty miles per hour, sightings and spawns will disappear and the radar will automatically shut down causing the players to not see any Pokemons - according to Trusted Reviews.

Jobs and Hire also wrote and published about the latest "nearby tracking," this will fix some people's problem in finding a Pokemon, as there are some people from certain areas that can't even track a single Pokemon.

Niantic is also talking about the availability of trading Pokemons in the game; just like the ones that they can do in their Game Boys. Players had been anticipating this update as well - this will surely make the game way more addictive.

Pokemon GO, Pokemon Go update, News