Katie Holmes is allegedly romancing with Hollywood actor Jamie Foxx for a few months now, stated the Independent on Wednesday. Sources said that Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx were even spotted publicly dancing to 'Blurred Lines,' but not as risqué as Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke's VMA performance last Sunday.
Following her divorce from Tom Cruise a year ago, Katie Holmes had been time and again linked to a series of men, including her recent co-star Luke Kirby. But rather than confirming Katie Holmes and Luke Kirby's dating rumor, the media is now all eyes on Katie Holmes alleged hook-up with his ex-husband's best friend Jamie Foxx.
A report from Urban Blog Diary of a Hollywood Street King revealed that Katie and Jamie were spotted together for a couple of times now including that one time an eyewitness said that Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx left a hotel together and visited Jamie's California house, hours later.
During a recent event at the 4th Annual Apollo in the Hamptons Benefit in East Hampton, New York, the 34-year-old single mother danced with Jamie Foxx on stage to the beat of the recently-controversial Robin Thicke hit 'Blurred Lines', a RadarOnline news confirmed.
Katie Holmes was seen grabbing Jamie's arm and smiling repeatedly while sporting a black cocktail dress. The dance was even caught on video by some of the attendees of the event.
Meanwhile, Us Weekly reported that Katie Holmes grabbed Foxx and Ellen Degeneres to join her on stage in performing Lenny Kravitz''American Woman,' Daft Phunk and Pharrell Williams' 'Get Lucky' as well as Robin Thicke's 'Blurred Lines.'
New York Post added that Katie Holmes attended the event with two girl pals, and was even heard telling them, "I haven't had such a good time in so long."
The publication added that Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx are simply "old friends," who have nothing more than a platonic relationship.
Other stars present in the event included: Mary J. Blige, Penny Marshall, Billy Joel, Angelica Huston, Matt Lauer, Jon Bon Jovi, Howard Stern, and Savannah Guthrie.
Katie Holmes is currently staying in New York City with her daughter, Suri.