When Queens Battle: What To Expect in 'Game Of Thrones' Season 7

Fans are abuzz with the release of set photos from the filming of Game of Thrones showing armies poised to attack (or protect) a castle hoisting the Golden Lion banner of the Lannisters. Rumor has it that this castle serves as the set for High Garden, home of the Tyrells.

Fansided published a series of images showing what looks like the Lannister army amidst smoke and wagons of supplies. Thronies are speculating that Cersei had taken over High Garden to take advantage of its lack of rulers (who were mostly killed in the explosion at King's Landing), and the wagons were carrying plundered riches back to her.

However, the Lannister take-over is not the great battle previously announced to happen in the new season. Gamesradar.com confirms that there will be a great battle, promising it to be as big or even bigger than season 6's "Battle of the Bastards". It teases that, given the number of extras needed, the armies will be massive and may very well be Dothraki. If this were the case, would this battle be the one to show a confrontation between the brothers Jamie and Tyrion that would be just as epic?

Over at the Starks, Popsugar practically confirmed the much-awaited meeting of Jon Snow and Danaerys Targaryen by releasing another batch of set photos. The two are seen at a beach with Tyrion, Missandei and Sir Davos. Fans are speculating that this means that the King of the North came down to set an alliance with the Mother of Dragons in what one would assume as a move to prepare for the onslaught of the Whitewalkers. Hence this scene is expected towards the end of Season 7. The question is: since HBO has already announced that Jon is a Targaryen, would this mean that the bastard is set to marry his aunt?

GOT's season 7 is teasing fans to no end. A recent Jobs and Hire article discusses the official teasing from HBO itself in their recently-released ad on what's to come for 2017. The GOT sequence showed Sansa, Jon and Arya in stills that hint on a reunion at Winterfell. That would excite Stark followers but they're also asking, what about Bran?

Game of Thrones Season 7, Game of thrones