Miranda Cosgrove, Jack Black, and other 'School of Rock' stars reunite in celebration of their decennial or 10-year anniversary. The young iCarly actress even shared the joy she had with her former co-stars via Instagram a few hours after, Today Entertainment reported Friday.
According to Yahoo! News!, the cast member of 'School of Rock' including Miranda Cosgrove, and the lead star of the movie, Jack Black, took their time to assemble for their movie's 10th year anniversary reunion ever since their movie landed on theatres at the Paramount Theatre in Austin, Tex on Thursday. The director of the movie, Richard Linklater, who is residing in Austin, and screenwriter/co-star Mike White were also present at the party.
Miranda Cosgrove, one of the lead stars of the sensational movie, wrote on her Instagram: "10-year 'School of Rock' reunion! Sooo good to see everyone!"
Jack Black also expressed his happiness over the event through his Facebook posts on Thursday night that included an array of photos of himself along with the star pupils of 'School of Rock': Rebecca Brown, Miranda Cosgrove, Kevin Alexander Clark, Joey Gaydos Jr., and Robert Tsai.
Aside from the actors, over 1,000 fans attended the anniversary screening of the film, which was sponsored by the Austin Film Society. After the screening, everyone gathered at the Gibson Austin Showroom for Q&A and a VIP after-party.
'School of Rock' features the exploits of the aspiring rock star Dewey Finn (Jack Black), who for some reason ended up as a substitute teacher, However, everything worked out for the best when Finn succeeds in turning a group of fifth graders into rock stars to compete in the Battle of the Bands.
Just like how it was done on their flick, the 'School of Rock' actors gave their ever-so-loyal fans a treat by performing their hit songs from the movie.
'School of Rock' officially landed on theaters on October 3, 2003, and became an instant box office hit, earning over $81 million.