Local Jam Factory Turned Into A Co-Working Space For Every Freelance Worker

Retreat Guru founders and brothers, Cameron and Deryk Wenaus, opted to build a working hub for all project. Having already built one last year, they are planning to build another co-working space again.

Today, they plan to transform an old jam factory to a co-working space for every freelancer, a place where local tech workers and freelancers can go to spend time with each other and share ideas. People tend to miss social office settings, so this would be a great chance for them. Besides, this is a good idea to minimize loneliness and increase work progress with the help of others.

This working hub aims to bring every freelancer together. Its purpose would be to find talent in freelancers excelling in a tech-related field that could share ideas with each other and collaborate. Collaborative workspaces lead to productive results.

Wenaus said that their idea sparked when they realized that they have extra spare desks in their previous company which is Blue Mandala. Their unexpected previous experience is that working with others in a shared office can bring camaraderie and increased productions for tech workers like them. He stated in Nelson Star. He added that besides that it serves as a working space for artists and tech workers, it would be most likely for him to have it built with creative and commercial residents.

They are now working with local architect Thomas Loh that will assist them in the making of the project including the sound separation rooms that workers need to minimize distraction. The building they want to transform served as a warehouse for Mcdonalds Jam Factory in 1911. It is timber framed and has exterior stone walls.

The co-working space will not only include rooms for private meetings and a yoga studio for meditation only. It will also have a communal area same with a house that would be complete with a kitchen, espresso bar and of course, a living room. With tech workers as the target market, they will also feature the top of the chart high-speed internet, as stated by Castanet.

The workplace would have spaces intended for people who want their own desk. They will also include temporary desks for people who want to just drop by. The building is planned to home 20 persons, but they also want a space for 30 to 40 persons.

This innovative project would be available officially in January, but Wenaus said that if anybody wants to go there, they are welcome even before they officially open.

The video below provides information about co-working spaces and its benefits. Jobs and Hire also offers tips to a transparent and healthy workplace like the Nelson brothers want to achieve.

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