‘Rogue One’ Premieres To Rave Reviews

The much-anticipated first stand-alone movie of the Star Wars franchise created a deluge of rave reviews online after it premiered in Hollywood on Dec. 10. Known personalities took to twitter to express their happiness at the movie.

Star Trek star Wil Wheaton shared on Twitter, "The last time I loved a Star Wars movie as much as I loved #RogueOne, it was 1977." Director Kevin Smith also declared, "Holy Sith! @RogueOneMovie is unbelievably wonderful! No lie: it is #EmpireStrikesBack great! An excellent chapter in the @starwars Universe!" Comicbook.com reported that Star Wars creator George Lucas had previously congratulated director Gareth Edwards in a phone call saying he loved the movie.

The crowd was greeted on the red carpet by stars Felicity Jones (Rebel fighter Jyn Erso), Alan Tudyk (droid K-2SO), Ben Mendelsohn (Orson Krennic) and Mads Mikkelsen (Galen Erso, creator of the Death Star), along with Diego Luna, Donnie Yen, Wen Jiang, and Forest Whitaker. Variety reports that also in attendance and just as gleeful about the film were celebrities Christian Bale, Michael Douglas, Nathan Fillion, Joss Whedon, Rainn Wilson, and director Taika Waititi ("Thor: Ragnarok").

Some fans, however, were not happy as reported in a related article in Jobs and Hire.

"Star Wars: Rogue One" tells the story of how a group of rebels embarked on the dangerous mission to get the plans for the Imperial Death Star. It focuses on the exploits of Jyn Erso who goes against her father, Galen, and steals the plans for the rebels.

The movie is set at the time right before "Star Wars Episode 4," the first ever released Star Wars movie released in 1975. Produced under the auspices of Disney Pictures, it is the first of a series of stand-alone Star Wars films to be shown in the next few years. According to Hollywood Reporter, the next installment of the franchise is "Episode 8" which will be shown on Dec. 15, 2017, exactly one year from the opening of this film.

Star Wars, Rogue one