A 727-pound alligator was caught over the weekend during Mississippi's alligator hunting season breaking the heaviest alligator in the said state, Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks officials confirmed, Fox News reported Tuesday.
According to ABC, the 727-pound alligator was captured hours after another massive 723.5-pound alligator was caught. Both alligators were reportedly caught along the Mississippi river.
MSNewsNow.com reported earlier that a group of Madison hunters caught a 723-5-pound alligator, beating the previous state record by 26 pounds for an hour.
The giant gator was seized by Beth Trammel, a first-time hunter, along with her six-person crew. They spent two hours wrestling the 13-foot 5.5-inch reptile, and even asked for assistance from two other hunters in bringing the alligator into their boat, the Hattiesburg American reported.
"When we first saw him. I yelled 'oh my gosh we caught the Loch Ness Monster! It was totally unbelievable," Trammel said.
Nevertheless, Dustin Bockman of Vickisburg broke the record an hour later by capturing a 727-pound alligator, Mississippi's Alligator Program Coordinator Ricky Flint confirmed.
Hattiesburg American stated that Bockman and his other two partners captured the 13-foor 4.5-inch reptile after even getting close enough to shooting it with a crossbow.
"My goal was to get a 10-footer... I couldn't believe it when it was that big," Bockman said. "He broke all the lines we could put in him. Finally put a snare on him and got him up high enough and put a shot on him. All in all probably took us four and a half hours to catch him from the first time we saw him," Bockman said in an interview for MSNewsNow.com
Bockman added that after hours of attempting to get the alligator into their boat, they gave up and decided to mount the giant gator on a sandbar instead.
"We pulled his head up on the bank far enough he wouldn't float away," he told the Hattiesburg American. "He was so heavy he wasn't going anywhere.
Flynt said that Bockman's team's 727-pound alligator is currently the record holder for the heaviest alligator in Mississippi captured during the alligator hunting season.
According to MSNewsNow.com, the length holder for the longest alligator in Mississippi is the one caught on the Pascagoula River in 2008 which spans 13 feet 6.5 inches long.