An alien planet is said to resemble the Earth if viewed from afar. But don't expect to see life forms in it since the said exo-planet has raging glass rain storms and extremely fast winds, Huffington Post reported Tuesday.
The strange planet called HD 189733b was discovered in 2005. It was said that the gas giant orbits its own sun 63 light years away from the Earth.
Scientists said that although the planet may resemble the Earth because of its deep blue color, landing on it would mean facing a very deadly situation.
News confirmed earlier that the alien planet's temperatures can go as high as 1,700 degrees F and its winds, 7,000 kilometers-per-hour, pelting the liquid glass falling on its atmosphere.
Hubble Space Telescope observations identified that this 'hot Jupiter' takes about 2.2 Earth days to full travel or orbit around its alien sun.
"This planet has been studied well in the past, both by ourselves and other teams," University of Exeter, U.K., Hubble Observing Program Leader Federic Pont said in a statement. "But measuring its color is a real first - we can actually imagine what this planet would look like if we were able to look at it directly."
According to Hubble officials, the alien plant's rain glass goes sideways in a wind speed of 4,350 miles per hour.
Meanwhile, scientists were baffled about the real color of this exo-planet since from afar it really resembles planet Earth's appearance.
"It's difficult to know exactly what causes the color of a planet's atmosphere, even for planets in the solar system," Pont stated. "But these new observations add another piece to the puzzle over the nature and atmosphere of HD 189733b. We are slowly painting a more complete picture of this exotic planet."
The research team measured the light reflected off the surface of the alien planet to identify its real color.
"We saw the brightness of the whole system drop in the blue part of the spectrum when the planet passed behind its star," University of Oxford, U.K. Leader of the study about the said exo-planet, which will be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, Tom Evans said. "From this, we can gather that the planet is blue, because the signal remained constant at the other colors we measured."