A Cleveland Judge ordered an Ohio man to carry a sign, saying that he is an idiot for threatening the cops, New York Daily News reported Tuesday.
Cleveland Municipal Judge Pinkey Carr ordered that Richard Dameron, 58, should wear an 'idiot' sign after threatening cops while under the influence. Dameron began his shameful punishment on Monday just outside of a Cleveland police station, and is said to continue doing so for three hours for the rest of the week.
The bright yellow sign reads: "I was being an idiot calling 911 and threatening to kill you. I'm sorry and it will never happen again."
Despite knowing that the order will bring him shame, Dameron agreed to it and even to what the sign says.
"I was under the influence of alcohol, very deeply into it." the Ohio man told WKYNC. "We just got to rambling off, acting like fools... I do feel bad about it, cause the man's never done nothing to me."
Meanwhile Cleveland Judge Carr has a reputation for imposing creative punishments to the imbeciles and morons who enter her courtroom.
In November, Judge Carr ordered Shena Hardin, 32, to carry her own 'idiot' sign as punishment for repeatedly swerving onto a sidewalk to bypass a school bus.
Hardin's 'idiot' sign read: "Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus."
The 32-year-old served her punishment quietly by ignoring reporters and casually smoking cigarettes so as not to feel shame.
Carr also took Hardin's driver's license for 30 days and made her pay $250 in court costs.
On the other hand, Dameron is to serve jail time for 90 days despite saying that he is truly sorry for the incident.