Android KitKat is the upcoming software version of Google's Android mobile operating system, and it will be promoted through specially marked KitKat bar packages, Yahoo! reported Wednesday.
According to CNN, Google has made the surprising announcement of its next Android software version On Tuesday, adding that Android Kitkat was named in honor of the candy bar software developers were munching while creating the said version.
"We couldn't imagine a better name for our Android K release than the tasty chocolate that's been a favorite among the team since the early days of Android," Google's Marketing Director for Android Marc Vanlerberghe said.
To promote Android KitKat, Google has planned to work with Nestle, the KitKat maker company, in making more than 50 million specially marked chocolate bar packages that will feature the latest version as well as announce Google's special promotions: Nexus 7 tablet giveaways and Play store credits in purchasing digital apps and media.
"Do folks tearing into KitKats have the time or inclination to care about a promo like this?" Branding Consultant for Apple's iMac computers Jonathan Salem Baskin asked, adding, "Are a large percentage of them even the right targets in the first place?"
Baskin also said that Google may have been very enthusiastic in marketing their product to loyal KitKat customers, and noted that numbers alone will not make for an effective branding campaign.
Ever since it has been established in 2009, Google has been naming its software versions after sweet treats, but this is the first time the company has used a trademarked product.
"Every corner, every edge, every finger of every bar has been carefully considered and crafted to create a beautifully immersive and multisensory experience," KitKat's "chief breaks officer" Chris Caitlin says in a promotional video featured on the overhauled KitKat website, adding that if there's any remaining doubt, "there's a KitKat for that."
Director of Android Global Partnerships John Lagerling told the BBC that the deal between Nestle is "not a money-changing-hands kind of deal," but was simply dreamed up by software developed who munched KiKat bars during breaks.
"One of the snacks that we keep in our kitchen for late-night coding are KitKats," Lagerling said. "And someone said, 'Hey, why don't we call the release KitKat?'"
Although some may be apprehensive about this new partnership, several experts expressed their positive feedback through social media platforms including Twitter.
CEO of CoreBrand Jim Gregory said that the combo is intriguing and fascinating. "It is fresh, fun and tasty... What more can you ask for in a brand launch?"