Ivanka Trump’s Stalker Arrested One Block Away from Trump Tower

Ivanka Trump’s stalker, Justin Massler,34 was arrested by the Secret Service one block way from Trump Tower. Over the years, Massler has been stalking Ivanka Trump through creepy emails,tweets,and Youtube videos.He will often go to Ivanka’s jewelry store in New York, and even threatened to commit suicide.

In 2012, Justin Massler was found guilty to aggravated harassment and criminal contempt charges.He spent six months in prison and was given was given five years of probation. Massler signed a restraining order prohibiting him from having any contacts with Ivanka and her family including her father Donald Trump and her siblings.In 2014, he violated his restraining order by sending an email to Ivanka's husband,Jared Kushner.

Last month,he fled Nevada mental health facility and went to New york to be closer with Ivanka. Massler's brother, who lives in NYC,booked him in a hotel room one block away from Trump Tower.

Daily Mail UK reported that on November 29, the Secret Service found out where Massler was staying and arrested him at once.He was then transferred to Bellevue Hospital,where he is currently him staying.However,there were no charges against him yet.

According to the INQUISITR , Massler believes he is Harry Potter, Superman, and Jesus Christ,and he kept on reliving these characters over and over again.He even legally changed his name to Cloud Starchaser.The latest election in the US put Ivanka Trump in the news and this must have reignited his compulsion to be near Ivanka.

Massler's lawyer said that he is schizophrenic and that he has a history of psychiatric hospitalizations. Reports say he is a threat to law enforcement, and experts involved in the case said he is not benign.He also stalked other celebrities like the Kardashians,believing he is the hero and he is saving his "heroines".In a court proceeding in 2011,he said aliens are to be blamed for hi obsession to Ivanka.

Massler was not the only one who has been stalking the daughter of the President-elect.In 2013,a man named John Eugene Enabnit violated a restraining order and was arrested for following Ivanka to Doral,Florida.Meanwhile,Jobs & Hire has a report on President-elect Donald Trump.

Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump
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