Prince Charles Needs A Better PR Team, Christmas Card Disaster with Camilla Parker-Bowles Cited As Reason

As many of the critics are calling a totally disaster for Prince Charles' new Christmas card photo with Camilla Parker-Bowles In fact, some sources say that it's one of the worst photos taken of the royal couple.

Was it necessary for Prince Charles to discharge his PR team?

At the Cultural Heritage Festival in Osijek, Croatia where the photo was taken. Both are standing next to a local folklore group called the Osijek 1862 in their traditional national costume. And the inside of the Christmas card is decorated with emblem of the Prince's and Camilla's cipher along with a simple message that says, "Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and New Year."

Critics are utterly daunted. But some fans, however finds this most festive Christmas card ever for Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles'. The couple shared a simpler photo of the two of them smiling and embracing one another, just last year. Prior to that, handlers of Charles and Camilla say that the royal couple chose this photo simply because they loved it and have fond memories of the official tour they took earlier this year from the western Balkans and Croatia.

The future King, Prince Charles, should be in the forefront of the photo and that Camilla Parker-Bowles should have worn something softer for the photo, like a beige coat to match her husband's, criticts stated a judgement to the photo. Added to that, many critics also point out that there is one folk dancer that looked completely enamored with Prince Charles.

Many of the critics are making a point with Charles even has his hands in his pockets. Reason why a lot of sources say that Prince Charles is in urgent need of better PR as his handlers aren't making the right choices for him.

And that wasn't enough, some critics think that Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles shouldn't be exposing a Christmas card at all. According to Royal insiders, Camilla thinks that whatever Kate Middleton and Prince William can do, she can do way better than them, of course. But that's just not the case.

As of now, Buckingham Palace are not making any comments about the criticism yet. And it might be have very little chance that they will comment, too.

Prince Charles, Camilla Parker-Bowles, Queen Elizabeth