Best Gift Ideas: Bitcoin As A Christmas Gift; Bitcoin Price At Its Highest Point Since 2014

Bitcoin is one of the hottest digital currency nowadays. In fact, many believe that starting from now; bitcoin price will only increase thereby making it a good asset. Investment aside, you may want to be charitable this year by giving bitcoins.

Bitcoin as a Christmas gift idea not only means generosity at the moment but also since Bitcoin price is speculated to grow, translates to 'perpetual gift-giving.' For this reason, alone, Bitcoins may be the perfect Christmas gift for your loved ones.

According to CoinDesk, Bitcoin is now valued at its highest price since 2014. In their report, the Bitcoin was valued at $788.49, and accounts say that its price will only continue to rise.

So, without further ado, how can you have gift ideas with Bitcoin, as per Investopedia.

Paper Wallets

Bitcoins can have physical manifestation like paper wallets. A paper wallet is a piece of paper where all the relevant Bitcoin information is printed. It can be spent by simply having its QR code scanned, and the transaction immediately takes place. You can print them using festive designs here.

Gift Cards

Another Christmas gift idea that involves Bitcoins is gift cards. Online sellers of Bitcoin gift cards, like bit4coin, lets you select the denomination you want to give and your card can be delivered to your doorstep. The recipient can easily spend it at the current exchange rate or keep it until its value increases even more.

USB Wallets

Since Bitcoin is a digital currency, it goes without saying that you can store Bitcoin keys in select hardware, like USBs. This is one of the most popular ways of handling Bitcoins offline because of its security. They have features like water resistance and virus protection. You can buy one here.

"Real" Bitcoins

If you think Bitcoins can only exist virtually, then you got it wrong. Physical coins can be bought from Denarium and Casascius, and they can be an aesthetically pleasing gift.

You can opt for one either in brass, silver or gold and they are crafted beautifully, not to mention that it also comes with a great casing. These physical Bitcoins have its unique address wherein you can store the information, and in order to redeem funds there is a hologram underneath that produces the keys.

However, if you are still doubtful of Bitcoins and how they work, you can choose from other gift ideas presented by Jobs & Hire. After all, what's important is that you are able to relay the message of charity to your loved ones.