Destiny 2.5.0 Update: Everything You Need To Know

Destiny’s 2.5.0 update brings back Sparrow Racing, adds to present collection, as well as enables players to wave off heavy ammo.

There are a lot of additions and tweaks to this update and below are some of them relating to Activities, Economy, the Crucible, and other areas. For general updates, new quests were added in the Tower from Eva Levante, Amanda Holliday, and Commander Zavala, along with a new Record Book which offers new rewards for the Winter Season.

Bugs have also been fixed and Sparrow Racing returned, this time with two new tracks. As for the Grimoire, picking up Dormant SIVA clusters will now award their corresponding card properly.

The Holiday Collection and Emote Collection also received additional items such as the “Proposal” and “Who There” emotes for the latter, and the Circuit and Momentum SRL racing gear sets and Ghost Ghost for the former. A re-purchase can also be done through random stats and Perks.

The changes to Crucible are most interesting, according to GameSpot. This is the ability for players to now be able to “wave off” heavy ammo as long as everyone does the “Wave” emote during the first 30 seconds of a round. Aside from that, there are differences to the score limit and rewards.

In Economy, adjustments were made to the Skeleton Keys, new bounties made available from Petra to help in gaining Queen’s Wrath Reputation, as well as materials exchange made possible from Brother Vance for Passage Coins and Motes of Light. In addition, Uncommon Engrams (Green) will automatically be converted to Weapon and Armo Materials when it is picked up by level 40 characters.

For the Vendors, Xur is selling Exotic Shards again but not Exotic Weapons Ornaments. Eververse has also received new items and Silver Dust can be purchased in exchange for other items found in a new Silver Dust Store.

These are just some of the updates on the Destiny 2.5.0. For a complete list, find it here.