Nintendo Switch Highly Unlikely To Come Out With VR Headset, Despite Patent Application

Nintendo has flirted with the idea of providing the Nintendo Switch with a virtual reality headset, considering the recently published Nintendo patent. However, it's highly unlikely that the company will push through with this due to the console's resolution and performance.

The Verge reports that the patent shows how virtual reality would be able to work on the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo said in the patent that the headset could enhance the players' "sense of immersion."

Nintendo also said that a tracking sensor could also be built into the virtual reality headset. The patent describes Nintendo's headset as a head-mounted display that would hold the Nintendo Switch tablet. The design is somewhat similar to the Samsung Gear VR.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Nintendo is developing a virtual reality headset for the Nintendo Switch, as a lot of companies file patents for technologies that might not even make it to the market.

It does show that Nintendo has been considering about the accessory when they were designing the Nintendo Switch. The patent was filed in June before the console was even unveiled.

Though it's intriguing to think that the Nintendo Switch might have a virtual reality headset as an accessory, Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto said in an interview earlier this month that it's unlikely for them to bring that technology to the market.

"But it's one that I think that given the environment right now, is difficult to bring to market in a way that reaches the broadest audience," Miyamoto said. Tatsumi Kimishima, Nintendo's president, has been interested in virtual reality technology but hasn't committed to it yet.

Another reason the virtual reality headset accessory won't happen for the Nintendo Switch is because of the console's resolution and performance. According to TechnoBuffalo, the screen of Nintendo's latest console is struggling when output is at 720p, and it has an option to drop to 540p for better performance.

For virtual reality to be played properly, the goal should be 90fps. PlayStation recently offered 60fps, which is the minimum for a quality virtual reality experience. Even if virtual reality won't be available, fans will still enjoy the Nintendo Switch, especially with secret features that they'll uncover once the console launches in March 2017.

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo, Virtual reality, VR Headset, Virtual Reality headset