The Future Of Entertainment: Comcast's 'Enhanced Extras' Feature Added Movie Content While Film Plays, 'Transformers VR' To Bring Bots 'In Your Face'

Entertainment companies give a nod to today's tech developments in visual entertainment and data streaming services. Comcast's X1 would feature a 10-day free for a new feature called "Enhanced Extras" featuring new content that viewers can access while the movie is showing. "Transformers" producer and director Michael Bay shares his "Transformers VR" vision that involves robots attacking viewers and more.

According to Engadget, Comcast's service would include a new feature called "Enhanced Extras" and would run for 10 days free from December 16 to 25 for films purchased in their service. Films include "Secret Life Of Pets", "Jason Bourne", "Warcraft", "Star Trek Beyond" and more. Comcast said the added media can include games, maps, 360-degree set tours and more.

Entertainment tech continues to improve worldwide. In Doha, Qatar, The Mall of Qatar in Doha's "Novo" cinemas feature the largest laser Imax screen that goes beyond 4k resolutions -- guaranteeing high quality and image accuracy. But for 4k resolutions, VR is the next big thing as some Imax theaters have specifically-designed theaters for cinema-like VR experiences in the US.

According to "Transformers" director and producer Michael Bay, his original idea for a "Transformers VR" was only three minutes. He planned for the project to expand to nine minutes and wanted it to be "active and [have] a little story." He said that it would not require audiences to be active the entire time but make it "feel things [are] coming right over you" and "you gotta duck."

Director Michael Bay said he is using a special VR camera that is "the best camera right now" because "there's no stitching involved" in reference to lengthy post-production procedures that take much time to produce VR videos. According to Slash Film, the "Transformers VR" will feature a character named Cogman, a psychopathic, butler-like Aston Martin transformer.

The director is correct to say that VR content -- for game consoles such as the Playstation -- are truly still not up to quality. Current media available does not showcase the graphical and experiential potential today's new VR technologies have -- not to mention being very expensive.

Technology, Film