Construction And Transportation Make The Top Most Dangerous Jobs In America

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported approximately 5,000 workplace casualty figures last year. Among the data given, construction, transportation, and agriculture and fishery were the most dangerous fields to work in.

In a report made by Forbes, on-the-job injuries and deaths for the year 2015 totaled 4,836 as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Among them, 937 occurred in the construction industry, 765 in transportation, and 570 in agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting.

According to a chart made by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Falls, trips, and slips" accounted for a big number of injuries with 18% of the counted 648 having fallen from a height higher than 30 feet. But despite the fact that there were more construction related incidents than those in agriculture, forestry, and fishing, the latter still had a higher fatal injury rate of 22.8 compared to the 10.1 of the former.

In transportation, on the other hand, there were 2,054 fatalities that occurred last year; 660 of these were results of a collision with another vehicle, 289 were pedestrian related, and 139 were aircraft incidents. In fact, 885 of the workers were truck drivers while 57 were aircraft engineers and pilots.

Furthermore, a summary of the places and demographic of the incidents made by Forbes showed that the place with the most number of work-related incidents was in Texas, which had a count of 527, followed by California with 388. If broken down according to age and gender, 93% were men and most of the laborers were 65 years old or older.

The trend in on the job deaths for the past three years indicated a rise in casualty figures that ultimately landed with a total number of 4,836 fatalities for 2015. This is the highest it has been since 2006 which was at 5,840.

For a list of the most dangerous jobs this year, click this article by Jobs & Hire, where construction workers and correction officers are among the occupations that were deemed unsafe.
