Most office workers will agree that working in a great environment makes any day fun and helps one to be productive. But it isn’t only up to the company to ensure that the office becomes a happier place to work in, as there are ways that individuals can contribute to making their place the best office to work in.
According to The Huffington Post, making the office a better place instead of wasting precious time and energy hating it will be beneficial to everybody. A toxic work environment, coupled with hating one’s office could result in health problems, weight gain, anxiety, and poor performance.
Here are some tips on how to make one’s office the best place to work in.
Create a good working space- Whether one works in an office or is sharing a cubicle with someone else, there are many ways to make one’s space better to increase happiness and creativity. Keep the desk clean and free of clutter, and bring in a live plant or two as studies show that the presence of greenery can help reduce stress in office workers. Personalize one’s space with a framed picture, an elegant caddy for supplies, and perhaps a comfy cushion for one’s back to make one’s office feel a bit like home.
Make friends- According to, workplace friendships can help develop a culture of “compassionate love,” which results in teamwork and higher levels of work satisfaction. To start, find some people who share the same interests or hobbies and engage in some friendly chit-chat by the water cooler.
Make time to eat lunch away from one’s desk or workspace- Those who love to eat in restaurants or fast food chains have no problem doing this, but what about the people who bring their lunch to work? Those who brown bag it to work should pack a healthy and tasty lunch and head to a nearby park or a nice change of scenery. Even better, invite fellow brown baggers at work to an impromptu picnic outdoors to make lunch time even more exciting.
Present ideas to make work more fun for everyone- Sometimes, all a company needs to become a happier place to work in is for someone to come up with a great idea on how to make that possible. Hesitant about going directly to the HR officer? One can always present the idea to the team leader, who could pass on the message to the right department. Make the suggestions cost effective and realistic, such as creating a break room in a rarely used space. Have everyone contribute by bringing board games, a coffee maker, bean bag chairs, and the like.
For more work-related tips, check out Jobs & Hire’s list of the top 5 places to work in 2017.