The fifth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean film series has been moved from its first slated release on 2015, to an unknown release date. Start of production is also unannounced.
It had been officially scheduled to screen on July 10, 2015, but has been taken off the distribution schedule released by Walt Disney Pictures.
The move was cited to have been partially due to the more recent box office bust, The Lone Ranger, with producer Jerry Bruckheimer admitting that everybody was more cautious after its failure. The delay was also caused by issues in the script, which he says is still mainly just an outline that while everybody approves, has not been written into a full blown script as of yet. "We want a script everyone's signed off on and a budget that everyone's signed off on.
But the production crew on the fifth follow-up, titled "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales," has found a silver lining to the production delay. With their withdrawal from the 2015 due date they have also avoided the summer box-office race, with several other blockbusters set to be released in three months: Marvel's new Avengers movie, "Avengers: Age of Ultron," "Star Wars: Episode VII," a "Man of Steel" sequel with the Ben Affleck Batman facing off against the square-jawed hunk of a Superman Henry Cavill, "Jurassic Park IV," and a reboot of "Terminator." What had started out as a scheduling mishap has now turned into a scheduling strategy; however its success remains to be seen until the studio finally decides to announce a release date.
Johnny Depp is set to return as the charismatic drunken-swagger pirate lead Captain Jack Sparrow, with the sript set to be written by Jeff Nathanson, and Joachim Ronning and Espen Sandberg given directorial duties.