Pope Francis has awed the world by wagging a finger at priests who buy fancy cars, but has recently acquired a car himself.
Before you yell "hypocrite!" and start pointing fingers, the Pope's new ride is not a luxurious buy, but instead a humble gift from Northern Italy.
70-year-old priest Father Renzo Zocca had written the Pope a letter earlier this year, asking him to accept a car as a "symbolic gift," as the car had already been used for decades. The new pope obviously loves the idea of pre-loved gifts, and has accepted. The two men of the cloth, along with a handful of Zocca's parishioners have taken the little car out for a spin within the Vatican last weekend, presumably having a fun time.
The Popemobile, a 1984 Renault 4 economy car (with 186,000 miles) will have a lot in common with its new owner: Frugal, dressed in white, and with some distance on it. Pope Francis have been adored the world over for being frugal, using the subway as a means for transport when he was still a cardinal, preferring the white papal robes on his proclamation as pope, riding the bus with cardinals who voted for him, and living outside of the luxurious papal apartments, choosing to reside at a Vatican guesthouse. The Pope has also come a long way, being the first non-European Pope to be elected for 1,300 years, having come from Argentina.
Pope Francis, 76, says that he had prior experience of driving a Renault back home in Argentina, so it appears that he is happy and comfortable with the new Popemobile. No word yet if Vatican Security will install bulletproof windows, but a spokesperson for the pope has said that he will drive it around the Vatican for the time being.
Here's a look at the other Popemobiles of the past: