Waiting For Santa? Santa Trackers From Google Assistant And NORAD To Help Track The Most Popular Delivery Guy On Earth

Google Assistant will now feature a Santa Tracker that will help kids and adults alike know when Santa Claus is coming to town. With the added feature, Google is extending a helping hand to those who are waiting for Santa Claus to deliver their most awaited gifts. . This Christmas season, the Santa Trackers could become more popular than the new "Pokémon Go" tracker that Jobs & Hire reported on earlier.

Tech2 reported that the Santa Tracker in Google Assistant will allow users to virtually check up on Santa Claus and see if he is getting nearer or farther away from their home. Using Google Assistant's Santa Tracker, kids and adults would be able to know the exact moment when Santa Claus will deliver their gifts just by telling the tracker to tell users his location. Unfortunately, Google Assistant's Santa Tracker does not guarantee that users will be able to personally see Santa Claus deliver their gifts.

On a happier note, the newly integrated Santa Tracker in Google Assistant also have a feature that cheers up users who are getting restless in waiting for Santa Claus. Using Santa Tracker, Google Assistant users can enjoy some Christmas jokes.

Google Assistant's Santa Tracker is not a unique thing. NYup.com reported the NORAD Santa Tracker is also up and running and ready to help people in determining the location of Santa Claus. The North American Aerospace Defense Command have been tracking Santa Claus for 61 years ever since an advertisement initiated the idea that the department can track the most popular delivery guy in the world.

Google Assistant's Santa Tracker can be downloaded using Android on Google Pixel devices. The NORAD Santa Tracker can be accessed on the official and very professional NORAD Tracks Santa website. Which one would you use to track Santa Claus?