6.4 Million Sign Up For Obamacare This Year

More than six million people signed up for healthcare plans this year, says Health and Human Services Secretary, on Wednesday, December 22. The figures are higher than it was a year ago.

6.4 million people signed up for the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare as of Jan. 1 this year, reports the Washington Post. There are 400, 000 people more than last year, although there are not a lot of first-time enrollees.

The numbers include old and new customers who are required to pay their first premium in order for the insurance to take effect. Not included in the figures, however, are those who currently have coverage and will soon be automatically reenrolled.

This comes amidst the false rumors that the act is not benefiting the US economy. In fact, the act has had a positive effect on employment as well as a shift from part-time to full-time employment.

The elected administration also poses a threat to its existence seeing as its notable critics, President Elect Donald Trump and his Vice President-Elect Mike Pence, plan to remove the law upon assuming office. In response to the threat, a researcher present at a healthy policy gathering at the Urban Institute said that Obama’s domestic policy adviser encouraged the participants to download Affordable Care Act data, regulatory guidance, and reports while they are still available online.

All of this is in preparation in the event that it will be removed come to the new administration. Aside from downloading the data, another researcher has stated that Health and Human Services officials are hastening to disclose previously undisclosed data.

A senior vice president of Avalere Health even revealed that she directed her team to ensure that they had saved copies of everything that they use on their servers. According to her, it is likely that data about the exchanges are going to be taken down if the Affordable Care Act will be repealed.

Affordable Care Act, Health