Work Outfit Inspirations From 'Madam Secretary' Wardrobe

“Madam Secretary” is not just a show that features badass women in positions of power but also women who know how to work their wardrobe to its fullest potential. Characters are walking tips on how to reuse your work pieces by switching up accessories and blouses, achieving a new look without having to spend on new clothes.

One needs to only look at the titular character, Elizabeth McCord played by Tea Leoni, to learn a few tricks. Take the two photos below for instance; it is a one piece tweed dress but she is seen wearing it with either a red or a white long sleeved blouse underneath, covered with a blazer.

You can do the same with your own dresses by simply wearing it with different under clothes. You can also accessorize with these scarves or tassle necklaces, making your outfits pop.

Now, do not worry if your job does not require formalwear. The show features some casual outfits too and in the off chance that you need to make it formal, a blazer will do.

If you would like to know more about the “Madam Secretary” cast’s wardrobe, click on one of the photos and it will lead you to the Tumblr account that specializes in the fashion on the show. It hunts down the clothes the characters wear, including who the designers are and where to buy them in case you are interested.

Fashion, Madam Secretary