Mom Earned 6 Figured Money From Business Just By Working From Home

Working from home is being essential to any mother or father of a household nowadays. People tend to prefer to work at home to cope with the growth of their children and spend time with them.

The way to succeed in business from home is introduced by Barefoot Executives. Barefoot Executives is an online website, at the same time a book, whose author is the well-renowned Carrie Wilkerson. Wilkerson has been famous in the world of entrepreneurs as her site garnered tons of subscribers. Having 19 years of her life dedicated to her multiple businesses, she was able to produce six-figure wages and flawlessly also lost 100 pounds.

Wilkerson is a mother of four children, and that’s the case that she preferred to work from home. Despite being a mother and an entrepreneur, she still managed and got her the award of Internet Marketer of the year back in 2009. Wilkerson tops the game as she was also featured on Fox Business News and Forbes. Her great track record led her to have transactions with tech giant Google, John C. Maxwell, Zig Ziglar and more.

Here are some lessons Kelsey Humphreys from Entrepreneur got from Carrie:

Look for the market’s necessity and truly commit

Wilkerson started with asking her close friends if they are able to use email newsletter. So she then realized that she was making 200 newsletters already for her clients.“I started my business like everybody does -- with just who I knew. I sent out an email, I worked with one client for free for two months to get my systems down, my processes are done in exchange for her recommendation and her referrals,” Wilkerson stated.

Business is like when you tell a friend something, then later passed on to her two friends and then everybody knows it. That’s how businesses also work. You search for a need of the people closest to you and you expand that business into something big. You then should give your effort and best to your business and it will really eventually grow.

Create strong brand that gives the best service

Wilkerson started Barefoot Executives for entrepreneurs from home that needs a community to grow into. Her business also aims to help other entrepreneurs to achieve their dream business. She advises entrepreneurs to do why and not the what. Simple she doesn’t like writing newsletters but she always thinks why she is doing it. To get out of debt and for the future of her children.

Despite creating balance, create real relationships

With having your own family, you should balance your time even though you are at home. In the morning, Carrie has a close door time to herself to accomplish everything she needs in her job then after she is done, her family has all her time. It is a great way to balance work and life relationships.

Wilkerson also trains her staff to do the balance she does so a productive team would progress. She also engages in social training and builds business relationships with others.

Don’t compare to boost your businesses’ value

Wilkerson doesn’t read other people’s content so that she wouldn’t feel anything or think anything. She simply puts it as “It will either make you feel bad about how behind you are or inflate your ego because you’re ahead. Neither serves your business.” She prioritizes that it’s better to defeat yourself than anybody else.

When asked how did she have a client like Google and the other big companies? She simply said, “quit trying to be an influencer and try to serve.”

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