"American Horror Story" and "The People Vs. O.J. Simpson" actress Sarah Paulson imparted some wisdom for those who are just starting their careers. Before becoming a famous actress, Paulson has acted in several unknown roles that even her biggest fans might not be able to remember them all.
Lifehacker reported that the "American Horror Story" and "The People Vs. O.J. Simpson" actress seems to think that it is better to have a disappointing start to a career first. That would certainly uplift the hearts of those who are only starting their jobs. Most people always enter the workforce with high hopes of a good working environment, awesome pay and successful career only to be disheartened afterward.
The "American Horror Story" and "The People Vs. O.J. Simpson" actress believes that it is fine if the first projects or the first jobs are not as amazing as people thought they should be. Paulson said it will get better.
In Paulson's case, she had to take some small roles first before she was cast in the "American Horror Story" and "The People Vs. O.J. Simpson." She played as a hologram in "Serenity" although no one might remember.
Paulson said there's a higher chance that people will derive more satisfaction when they get the better jobs or projects later in their career life rather than sooner. She said working hard will be more rewarding for people than easily getting what they want.
That would certainly be sound advice for people who are getting impatient in their career life. Rushing into things is certainly not advised when thinking about the future, so people should learn how to wait for the right job or the right project. Jobs & Hire previously reported about tips and tricks on finding a company that fits your goal.
While it is good to not be bothered with a disappointing start of a career, it does not mean that people should stop pursuing opportunities whenever they see a good one. What do you think?