4 Interesting Jobs Shown On TV

Television shows depict a lot of characters that are not only unique because of their personality or the things that happen to them in their storylines, but also because of their jobs. Here are some interesting occupations uncommonly shown on television.

First, there is the job “The X File’s” Agent Fox Mulder holds. Mulder is a psychological profiler, but he mainly handles the bureau's cases that involve the unexplainable, the incomprehensible—the supernatural and more often than not, the extraterrestrial.

You may argue that there is no real department in the FBI that handles X files, but that does not stop the job from being a unique take on crime solving series. In addition, there are real-life jobs that are similar to Mulder’s, some of them focusing on major crimes or disturbing ones (i.e. Violent Crimes Unit).

Secondly, in “Bones” we see a team of forensic anthropologists. Led by Temperance Brennan, the team identifies charred, buried, decomposed, and/or unidentifiable remains hence the name of the show.

There are not a lot of forensic anthropologist characters on TV and this is another different take on criminal justice occupations. It shows viewers the science behind how the team reconstructs scenarios as well as physical appearances of victims.

There is also “Madam Secretary’s” Henry McCord who is a world-renowned religion scholar. He writes and publishes books, teaches ethics and religion, and occasionally dabbles in spy work.

What makes Henry's job interesting is that his specialization in religion and ethics help bring down terrorist groups and religious fanatics. That does not stop him, however, from dealing with ethical and moral dilemmas about some of the choices that he and his wife make for the greater good.

Of course, real-life religion scholars may not be spies and do not have as big an ethical dilemma as Henry does, but it makes for a remarkable storyline as well as a fresh TV character.

Lastly, there are the sex researchers, Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson, from "Masters of Sex." As the title of the show implies, the two research human sexuality during the 1950s to the 1970s, dealing with prostitutes and patients on the job.

Madam Secretary, Jobs, TV