Which 'The Office' Character Are You?

There is the office and there is "The Office." The former being a workplace where employees get to mingle and mix with different personalities and tasks, and the latter being an award winning comedy series about working in an office.

So, which "The Office" character are you and your colleagues? Below are five sets of characteristics that correspond with a character from the show.

Dwight Schrute. : job description

You will do anything to please your boss and get on his or her good side. You are competitive, a team leader, and will defend the company and your boss at all costs.

Michael Scott. If you think of your office as your home and of your colleagues as your family, then you may be Michael Scott. Your subordinates are your children; you have a desire to take care and watch over them.

You impart knowledge, be it work related or not, to your colleagues. Lastly, you believe that the occupation you hold now is what you are meant to do for the rest of your life.

Jim Halpert. If you are the prankster at work and are friends with everyone, you may be Jim Halpert. You are Mister or Miss Congeniality; everyone likes you.

You are cool without even trying and are effortless at your job despite the fact that you sometimes have no idea what you are doing. You can be anywhere else with a better job but you have no desire to leave it, nor do you aim for higher positions.

Kelly Kapoor. If you are the talkative and bubbly person at work, however, then you may be Kelly Kapoor. You are a people person, talking nonstop and--let's face it--you're clingy towards your officemates.

You are enthusiastic about work. You think and prepare about what outfits you are going to wear to the office the next day.

Jan Levinson. If you are the professional person in the group, then you may be Jan Levinson. You are the most normal person there, coming in and doing your job, and then clocking out.

You have no reservations when it comes to doing what you need to do. If you need to fire someone, you'll do it.

For a similar article on which Star Wars character is similar to your boss, click here.
