Although Apple's new iPhone 5s, which takes pride on its 64-bit processors, isn't officially available yet, Samsung has already announced that its next generation of flagship device will sport the same type of processors as well, Yahoo! reported Thursday.
Despite Android, the operating system of all Samsung Galaxy devices does not support 64-bit processors or its applications, Samsung boldly announced that it will also launch handheld device running on the powerful processors in the near future.
Samsung's Mobile Business Chief Shin Jong-Kyun told the Korea Times that the company's upcoming phones would, similar to Apple's new iPhone 5s, be more powerful and faster, adding, "Not in the shortest time. But yes, our next smartphones will have 64-bit processing functionality."
The powerful and faster 64-bit processors are reportedly very efficient in computing performance. Yahoo! noted that all new Windows and Mac PCs use this 64-bit technology since heavy video and sound editing as well as 3D graphics packages and software applications including Photoshop or Final Cut Pro consume a large part of available RAM for smooth performance.
A 64-bit processor enables a device to access and utilize greater amounts of RAM (4GB and up) while a 32-bit processor (the conventional processor in all smartphones and tablets to date except for Apple's new offering) can only access and utilize up to 4GB of RAM, maximum.
The said technology is projected to allow smartphones and tablets to do all sorts of heavy lifting only computers can handle such as processing video, computer aided design, or rendering images.
However, the problem with this bigger and more powerful chips is the fact that they chew more electricity similar to how they consumer RAM, and this may be the problem Apple has to deal with as of late, considering that it is the first company to offer the 64-bit processors for phones.