Looking For A Government Job? Millions Of Federal Employees Might Exit As Trump Era Begins

If you are dreaming of a career in the U.S. government, the start of 2017 would be a good year to sniff around for a government position. The coming of a new administration could mean that turnovers will climb as government workers think about leaving.

It appears that many government agencies will be in need of new employees when U.S. President-elect Donald Trump assumes his post. Government employees are usually expected to remain in place despite a change in administration, but it appears that Americans have no qualms about resigning if they do not agree with the incoming administration, The Atlantic reported, citing a study.

The number of people who will leave during the first year of a new administration depends on the political preference of the government workers. It seems to make sense because not everyone can work under people whose views they do not agree with and some people do not want to compromise their ideals just to earn money.

The pending exodus as Trump takes the U.S. government's helm could serve as opportunities for those who are looking for a job in the government. Unfortunately, potential applicants need to have ample experience and education because the study found that rank-and-file members are not as significantly affected with a change in administration compared with those who are holding management positons.

Employee data taken from the Office of Personnel Management show that people in the Senior Executive Service are usually the ones who are quick to head to the door upon the installment of a new administration. It seems that rank-and-file government employee departure is not an issue every time America elects a new president.

For those who currently have a job but are planning to shift to a government career, Jobs & Hire had a report about how to gracefully exit a current job.

Job, Career, Career path