Black Widow Outgrosses Captain America And Iron Man

The year 2016 has been sort of kind to Scarlett Johansson, who played the role of Black Widow in the worldwide movie franchise "Avengers." The actor has received several movie projects that made her earn more money than any other Hollywood actors.

Although Black Widow played second fiddle to Captain America and Iron Man in the movie "Avengers," Johansson managed to kick the asses of Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. when it comes to the top-grossing actors list for 2016. Johansson's movies sold $1.2 billion worldwide, Forbes reported.

Johansson also managed to take the top spot from Jennifer Lawrence, who played Mystique in the movie X-Men. Lawrence has been the top-grossing actor for two years in a row. The "X-Men" actor had an essay about not receiving equal fee as her male co-stars, while Johansson reportedly got the almost the same level of fees as Evans and Chris Hemsworth, who played Thor, Jobs & Hire previously reported.

The $1.2 billion worth of tickets that Johansson sold worldwide was thanks to her role in "Captain America: Civil War" and "Hail, Caesar!" The figure is a bit too close to the Evans' and Downey's $1.15 billion each, but it managed to get Johansson into the first place of the list.

It seems, however, that Johansson will not be able to achieve the same feat in 2017. Johansson has only two movies due out in 2017, and one of them has already received several negative feedback online.

Casting Johansson as the main character in the much-beloved anime hit "Ghost in the Shell" got some backlash from the Asian community. Many are saying that a Japanese actress should have been chosen instead of Johansson.

The bad press surrounding her casting in "Ghost in the Shell: could have a negative impact on the gross of the movie once it's out, so Johansson might not hold on the top-grossing actor title this year.

Captain America, Ghost in the Shell