4 Signs That It’s Time To Start Looking For A New Job

Let's face it: even the best and brightest of us has had a rough day in the office. But for some, the hardships at work seem to go on endlessly that it's hard to remember when things were ever good in the workplace. If this scenario seems familiar to you, then maybe it's time to start looking for a new place to work.

But before saying so long to your co-workers, consider if this is the right move for you to make this year. To find out if you should quit your job, see if you can relate to the following signs.

You can't imagine working in the same place for another year

Can't see yourself staying at your job for one more year? Then it may be time to make the switch. If you can't see yourself having a career in your office and don't see a future with you working for your current company, then re-evaluate and see if there's something out there that would be a good fit for you.

It's Sunday night, and you dread going to work the following day

Some employees normally feel the blues the night before the work week starts. But if you genuinely dread going to work and can barely get yourself out of bed every Monday morning, then it's possible that you're unhappy at work. If you can't find a way to stay positive in the workplace, then this is a sign that it's time to move on.

You're bored

If your job doesn't challenge you and you're constantly on social media or browsing websites when you're in the office, chances are you're bored and you might want to find a job that would keep you on your toes.

National workplace expert Lynn Taylor told the Business Insider that boredom is a legitimate sign that it's time to quit your job.

"If you're no longer challenged in your position and have tried communicating with your boss to no avail, this may be a sign that it's time to leave," said Taylor.

Your workload doesn't match your pay

Some people leave their jobs not because they're bad at it, but because they're actually great at it. Some offices "reward" people for a job well done by assigning them with more responsibilities outside their original job description. This is all well and good if you're compensated fairly for it, but if you find that you get more tasks and you're not getting paid for it, then speak to management about this. If they don't want to compensate you in a fair manner, then it's time to pack and search for a company that would appreciate your skills.

For more, check out Jobs & Hire's tips for everyone who wants to change careers.

Job search, Career Change