Office Breakup Survival Kit: Top 3 Things You Have To Do To Secure Your Career After A Bad Breakup

A lot of companies still prohibit office romance because of concerns about how it will affect employees' performance. Luckily for you, your office allows you to enter into a relationship with a co-worker.

You jumped into an office romance thinking that it will be for forever, but fate intervened so the two of you had to end your relationship. After the breakup, you have decided to remove the cute post-it notes that your ex had previously written for you, along with your couple pictures, couple mugs and couple pens.

After you have cleared your desk of the things that could remind you of your ex, here comes the hard part. Now you and your coworker-turned-partner-turned-ex have to survive an office breakup and ensure that your career does not suffer in the process.

While there is no easy way to survive a bad breakup, co-workers need to rise above the animosity and be civil to one another. Try not to let your emotions get in the way whenever your boss tells you to deal with your ex.

Never ever fight in the office. Control the urge to hurl things at your ex just so you can happily watch him bleed. It will not bode well for your career if your boss sees your violent tendencies. It can even lead to your termination.

Try not to spill your ex's dirty little secrets to your other co-workers. Doing so is just being petty and mean. It suggests that you are not professional enough and not adult enough to handle a breakup. Gracefully suffering under the pressure of a bad breakup could even be viewed as plus points for you.

If you do not know when you start misbehaving in the office, Jobs & Hire compiled a list of signs that you are behaving inappropriately in the workplace. As you may know, time heals all wounds, so keep it professional when dealing with your ex in the office.

Career Advice